The Importance of Mental Health
Mental Health is a general term describing the complexity of keeping one’s mind healthy and working to the best of their ability. The definition of mental health is unique to each individual, and so are the strategies involved in keeping one’s mental health in a good state. The most important aspect of keeping your mental health in a good state, therefore, is focusing on what is right for you.
The mind is a complex thing. Everyone is unique in their own mental health journey, as not one mind is the same as another. Everyone has different triggers and different techniques that improve their mental health. Focusing on what works for you is the best thing you can do for your own mental wellbeing. Only you know what makes you feel better, what keeps your mind in a good state. Therefore, only you can dictate what should be done to improve your mental health.
Not everyone is going to understand the steps you need to take to keep your mind healthy, and that is okay. If you feel better by putting headphones in and shutting out the world with a great song, then do that. If you feel better running and getting rid of any negative energy through physical exercise, then do that. If you need to take time for yourself to sleep and recharge, to not think about anything for a little while, then do that. You are in charge of your own mental health, and thus you -- and only you -- are in charge of doing what is best to keep your mental health in a good state. The most important aspect of keeping your mental health in check is listening to yourself, as only you can change what is in your own mind.