My Favourite Ways to Decompress After a Long Day?

Have you ever wanted the world to just stop for a second so you can finally breathe? Have you ever wanted to just relax after a long and tiring day but don't know how? Me too!  A lot of the times I myself find it difficult to just relax a bit. We all need a break sometimes, and it doesn't come easy when you still have things on your mind. Which is why I have listed down some of the ways I decompress after a long and hard day of college and life in general.

Now, this might seem cliché or just really simple in general, but for me, my favourite way to decompress is by taking a nap or a power nap. However, I don't mean taking naps for hours and hours, but a quick nap can do you more good than harm. I have realised that my mind gets well rested when I do this so I can focus on more later when I feel like it. Moreover, it helps me calm my mind when it’s been overworked. Taking naps obviously won't come that easy either because sometimes our minds just can't calm down! In those cases, I usually try putting on my favourite calm music or put on a comfort show to help me relax a little.

My second favourite way to decompress would be taking a long bath. Again, sounds cliché, but it really helps! Long showers are also proven to help the mind and body de-stress and relax after it is overworked. I typically like to put out some candles and music and take care of my body. Self care is super important for your overall health and your mental health as it lets you take care of your mind and body after it has given you so much. Show some love to your body, they deserve it a lot!

After a long and hard day, I also usually like to call my family or friends if they’re far away, or sit with my family and bond with them! Talking to your family or friends can be such a good way to de-stress and have some light fun talking about all kinds of things. Talking to your friends and calling them, can help you get a lot out of your mind and it can help you think of other things that help you relax. Call some of your friends over and watch your favourite movie!  Moreover, bonding with your family can give you so much support and make you feel better than ever at the end of the day!

The last and my favourite way I like to relax is by meditating! I recently got into meditating and it has been life changing. I tend to relax so much better. When I meditate, I reflect on everything I have done that day and everything that I was grateful for. This has helped me grow as a person and helped me realise that I don't need to overwork myself every day in order to feel like I have been productive. Meditating has also been one of the things that helped improve my physical and mental health so much as it gives my mind a much needed break from the world!

I hope these small tips help you all to relax and give your mind and body a little rest because you deserve it!


Mental Health Reflection


The Forgotten Communities Within Mental Health Resource Allocation