What Are Some Ways You Take Care of Yourself?
Self-care can definitely look different from person to person, but regardless of how different the methods of self-care are, the fact remains that self-care is equally important for everybody. Personally, my methods of self-care can change from week to week depending on what it is I feel like I need most during that time. During my more intense academic weeks where I feel like I'm scrambling to meet deadlines and spending all of my free time studying and submitting work, my self care might look like unwinding with some friends at the end of the week and going out to a party. On other weeks when I might be feeling emotionally overwhelmed and mentally preoccupied, my self care might be taking some time to myself and painting my nails and doing some skincare while I watch a nice comfort movie. For me personally, no one way of self-care works better than another, it just depends entirely on my own mood and listening to what my mind and body need at that specific time.
I would say that a key element to self-care is making sure that you stay Intune with the needs of your body and that you’re meeting them to the best of your abilities. It is so important to be patient with yourself and with your body, especially as a college student! We are all tackling so much all the time and it's so nice to take some time apart every once in a while, just to check in with yourself and ensure that you’re feeling happy and healthy. In a fast-paced environment such as BUs, be sure you’re trying to prioritize yourself and your happiness and always remember to be kind.